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Building a stronger future for local news


Local news helps Americans stay safe, informed, and connected. That’s why we work with news organizations across the U.S., helping ensure that journalism continues to play an important role in every community, no matter the size. Explore some of the ways we support our partners.

How we’re supporting publishers

The business behind local news is changing rapidly. As new approaches emerge, publishers face steeper and more complex challenges to achieving financial sustainability. That’s why we support local news organizations nationwide with funding and resources that promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation.

Two journalists collaborate on a computer in a newsroom

How we’re supporting journalists

Journalists everywhere, especially at the local level, face increasing challenges to produce the reporting their communities need to stay informed. That’s why we created free products, like Pinpoint, that help journalists work more creatively, efficiently, and securely and why we provide digital skills and resource training.

How we’re continuing to help

Through our work with local publishers and journalists, we have learned — and continue to learn — about the particular challenges their news outlets face every day. As we progress in our partnership with the industry, we’re excited to build on these insights, to improve our offerings and to explore new approaches that move the industry forward.

At Google, we’re committed to ensuring every community has access to the quality information it needs. That’s why we’re committed to a sustainable future for local news.

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