The Challenge
Main Media, a hyperlocal news platform based in the Indian state of Bihar, specializes in ground reporting and investigative stories on topics like climate change, education, agriculture, and politics. However, they encountered several significant challenges in their publishing workflow:
-Video Transcription: Transcribing video content from ground coverage and government press conferences was a labor-intensive process, relying on manual transcription or OCR tools.
-OCR Tool Limitations: The OCR tools used by Main Media struggled with accurate recognition of Hindi text.
-Structured Data Challenges: Extracting structured data, such as tables, often produced mixed or jumbled content, requiring extensive manual corrections.
-Time Inefficiencies: Routine stories took up to two hours to complete, leaving editors with little time to focus on investigative and ground-reporting stories.
These challenges significantly hindered the Main Media’s efficiency and output quality.
About Main Media
By focusing on local voices and untold stories, Main Media connects communities to pressing issues with authenticity. Their on-ground reporting ensures transparency and relevance, empowering audiences through comprehensive, unbiased, and human-centered journalism.
Location: Kishanganj, Bihar, India